Oh Ugg, working with the Public can be a bit of a pain in the backside. As a bus Driver you are surrounded by people coughing and sneezing your entire 8-10 hour work period, 5 days a week. Being in a Bus is much like being in an Airplane, where everyone shares the air. I expected to get a Cold or two, but I did not expect it to get to the point I needed Puffers to breathe.
I am still fighting it off and can't seem to get rid of the Congestion in my Chest and my Sinuses get real bad at night. Not sure why they are okay during the day, but at night I have real trouble getting any air.
So my Torch time has been cut in half and the creative side of my Brain is suffocating. Seems lack of oxygen effects the creative ability. I have made some beads, but they are simple in nature. When I tried anything more daring, they ended up in the water jar of death.
I will be trying again tonight and tomorrow to make some Christmas Beads and a Set I have had on my mind for some time.
I have just set up a new account with JustBeads.com It is an Auction site, so if you are looking to get a deal on my beads, that might just be the place to look. I list them low in hopes of multiple bids, but seeing as I am sorta new there, I might not get the attentions of the long time buyers,,,, yet.
Here is the Link
My Auctions at JustBeads.com
Okay gotta go feed the dogs, and get started on some new beads.
Have a great night everyone!
Loyal True Companion
5 years ago
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